
Principal Speech


Head Mistress- Mrs. Rani.V

If the face to India has to change ever then it cannot be attained without proper and quality education being imparted to everyone without any discrimination. When we mention education, it weaves a simple picture in our mind – a student learning and a teacher teaching, but education is beyond the classical paper-pencil-black board theory. It has evolved into the giant wheel that has many spokes such as personality development, time management, competing beyond boundaries etc. We, at The Oxford School of Education, have strived hard to propagate our age old theory to impart quality education at affordable price to the able scholars who seek excellence in their pursuit for an indomitable career. A new age of schooling is welcome all of you with open arms to revive those Indian values which today seems to be outdated and has lost its sheen.

Do come and see us.

Mrs.V.Rani, Headmistress